Monday, October 1, 2012

Have An Attitude Of Gratitude

"Gratitude conserves the vital energies of a person more than any other attitude tested." Hans Selye

Everyone has those days when nothing goes the way you planned.Wasn't sure which way I was headed but I needed to get my sense of security back. I believe it is days like these that we are thankful for the beautiful people in our lives. They bring love kindness stability and a sense of belonging. This is awesome especially when one needs the added boost. Don't mean to ramble but those who have ever found themselves floundering might relate to this blog. I'm thankful for family and friends who grab me and place my feet back on the  ground. Thanks also to my fire friends daughter and daughters-in-law. All MIL need to give a hug and a quick thank you to their daughters and their daughters-in-law. I am so thankful for my sons and son-in-law. Try to always be thankful for what you have because it makes it easier to simply forget about what's missing. Nothing takes the place of people love.

"The core problem is not that we are too passionate about bad things, but that we are not passionate enough about good things."  Larry Crabb

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