Monday, August 20, 2012

Always Question Assumptions

When viewing an issue from another perspective, we are given the opportunity to assimilate that viewpoint, and accommodate it through the eyes of our own experience. Each individual's circumstance is distinct. Each situation is likely to be distinct in certain circumstances, yet universal in other respects. More reflection leads to questioning assumptions. The Mother-in-Law Daughter-In-Law is a universal dilemma. It is an unintentionally significant relationship. It requires patience time effort and reflection. Jealousies need to be set aside. Control must be loosened and dropped altogether. judgments have to be rescinded. Compromise and tolerance is necessary. The relationship can be an evolving dream or nightmare. It really is up to the two women involved. Husband must refrain from involving their mothers in discussions and arguments. The  girl's mother must refrain from dumping guilt on her daughter every time she spends a happy time with her Mother-in-Law. Mothers-in-law should provide  space, acceptance of the amount of time she receives, and she must give her son wings to fly in his own direction, making his own decisions. His wife's mother must really do the same. Jealousy is common but can be overcome. Control can be released and power to live one's own life, is exhilarating. We can share in the lives of other people without overshadowing them. Stepping too far leaves us beyond the gate. Sharing within bounds allows us inspirational moments of time to add to our cherished memory banks.

"Real education should educate us out of  self,  into something far finer; into a selflessness which links us with all humanity." Nancy Astor

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  1. I didn't ask my MIL about nursing about nursing because I think this is a personal issue. I spent more time talking to my own mother about it. Do you think MIL's feel slighted or insecure about DIL's own mother's?

  2. Hi Emily, I certainly would not expect you to ask your mil personal questions. If your own mother has the answer great. Mil should not feel slighted, or insecure. If in time there is a qus. relevent to your mil then you might approach her with it. Mils and dils need to give each other space and room to grow. Mil must back off and dils need to refrain from any quick judgements. Sometimes when we have all the dirt about someone but not the connections we judge harsher than if we develop an affection first. Write again

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