Monday, September 17, 2012

Many Reasons It's Good To Be Disliked

"Life has taught me that it is not for our faults that we are disliked and even hated, but for our qualities." Bernard berenson
It is a  quote worth digesting. There is more truth to these words than we would like to believe. Whenever one tries to act divinely, she is shot down because it makes others question her motives. It also makes others feel like they are less of a person. It's time to recognize our own uniqueness. If we are in the prescence of a kind person, it shouldn't demean us but raise us up. Each of us has the capacity to lift another. We can't always be in top form. Those times when we need help let us lean on another. Likewise when the other  person needs help, it is our turn to do the uplifting. We are not in any competition. We have never been in a contest. It really is okay to support each other, be happy for another's happiness, and exhibit empathy for another's sorrows. As they say, we're all in the soup together. At times MIL and DIL's need each other. If they remember they have  more in common, it will allow them to recognize a similar spirit in each other. Everyone one of us wakes up with less sleep than we wanted, more aches and pains and burdens that are almost beyond carrying. If we met a stranger who poured out their heaart about their loads and pressures, we would sympathize and come to the person's aid. We muse recognize the inner self of those close to us. Look hard and find something good in your MIL or DIL. Focus on that only. Skip dwelling on what you don't like.

"Is there one word which may serve as a rule of practice for all one's life? The Master said is not Reciprocity such a word? What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others." Confucius

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