Thursday, November 29, 2012

Break Down Emotional Barriers

"Feedback is the breakfast of champions." Rick Tate

I just need to say I am opened for suggestions or  questions. I have been voicing my opinions and would like to have input from others. I don't have all of the answers but I like to look at every problem and situation and come up with a positive helpful solution because I personally think negativity promotes frustration anger and more negativity. Even if our solutions  to a problem are different, by providing a positive look we are focusing more on a truce or compromising answer. I am not always big on compromising but I'm beginning to understand that peace is awesome and comes through compromise. We can still have our own ideas about something and hold on to those ideas unless they hurt others. Even if we don't convince another towards our way of thinking, at least we can throw  out our thoughts and reflections. By doing so in a compromising unoffensive manner,  we allow others the opportunity  to view and ponder our ideas. if we fight for what we perceive as right we alienate others and they shut down before we can even provide our thoughts to them. I would venture to say that patience is the key to listening and compromising. Maybe we give 60% and another gives 40. The next time we might only need to give 90 while another gives 10. I think that is how we come to solve problems without their being a winner or a loser which is really the real reason we don't like to admit we might be wrong about something. Life is more about learning and moving forward with a greater repertoire than we had the day before. it's not about diminishing others in the process.

"People will not bear it when advice is violently given. Even if  it is well founded. Hearts are flowers, they  remain open to the softly fallen dew, but shut up in the violent downpour of rain." John Paul Richter

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